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Open Finder, click 'Applications' tab in the left sidebar. šŸŽ macOSÄ­ouble click dmg, drag Upscayl icon into Applications folder. You can also choose to install using other formats like RPM (Fedora), DEB (Debian/Ubuntu based), and ZIP (Any Linux OS). Right Click AppImage -> Go to Permissions tab -> Check 'allow file to execute' and then double click the file to run Upscayl. Portable MethodÄ­ownload the upscayl-x.x.x-linux.AppImage file. You can download the Flatpak or Snap version, if your distro's Store App supports them.

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Upscayl should be available on the Software Store of most Linux operating systems. Many CPU and iGPUs do not work but no harm in trying.

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NOTE: You'll need a Vulkan compatible GPU to upscale images.

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